A bunch of us decided to road trip up to miri for this semesters holiday.
Stopped at sibu for the nite and went finished the rest of the bus ride the next day.
S CLUB 9's latest album. The SUNSHINE ALBUM. Available in stores near you. Featuring hit singles Ib anak An Iban, Wo Men Chee Sin and Play that Funky Music White Boy.
GET IT NOW!! Only 9.95Pesta Olimpik. They sold bb guns. I bought myself a laser guided pistol. Aldrin bought himself a broken shotgun because the superstar does not know how to operate a toy. Forced to buy it after he broke it.
One of the posters on Condom House. Too make things clear, i didnt notice the poster until Aldrin told me. I was busy humming gospel songs in my head.

He-Man Aldrin was the only one who vomited after.
Niah van trip.
Wasted 30 minutes waiting at a bus stop thats not actually a bus stop. Motherfu...
Family got two dogs. Last measure after getting two cars stolen in a one year span. Ones called Nacho and the other ones Hershey. Nacho boy. Hershey girl.
Dog down here is Nacho. Damn lazy this dog.
Results coming out tomoro. Im extra nervous this time. I dont wanna fail. I dont wan my cgpa to go down. The reason why im extra nervous is cause i did not do as good this sem as i did last sem.
I know people've been constantly saying i always complained bout doing bad but end up with an ok result but this is different. Theres something terribly wrong. Gonna be a long night tonite.
Its been a terrible semester. Had so much to do. So so much to consider. Eventually i got too tired to give a shit.
And for that i must admit, ive been an assclown, a jerk, a jackass. It may be too late, but i apologise to anyone ive upset or pissed off. Intentionally or not.
I guess i havent been avery. I cant promise ill be avery for the coming sem.
But avery sounds good. Should give it a shot sometimes. ERK !!.
Good luck wit your results everyone.